May 17, 2011

My Neck of the Woods: Oodle of Schnoodle

Jack the schnoodle...he has his own thoughts on photographs.

You know how to play right? Go over to and link up!

May 10, 2011

Out to RHOK: I'm the hostess with the mostess!

Move on over to folks. Nothing to see here. I am the Neck of the Woods hostess today! Link up and play!

May 3, 2011

In Your Neck of the Woods: April

April was a VERY horrible month for me. But, alas, I had some great shots that remind me there was also some good. Here's the re-cap.

 Easter: matching dresses & a silly face

See my pretty ring in the window. I love it.

Blue sky.

My little freckled Pediatric Orthopedist.

One of the memory crosses we sent to Joe's family in memory of his uncle.

Hadleigh, my niece Bunny.



Lots of bus stop trips.

My ring, again.

First wild strawberries!

Hail! (not a good thing!)

Sad face. LOTS of bad news and needles.

More HAIL!

But, the sun shone again.

It was fifties day!

We got a new FREE king size bed. Woot.

I bought practical shoes.

Even though I wanted these.

And they lived happily ever after.

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